Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Doing the right thing

When Trump and the Americans he represents make me feel ashamed of my country I take solace in remembering that 2.8MM more Americans picked HRC over DJT. And 543,816 more Americans picked Gore over GW Bush. So the last non-incumbent Republican to garner the majority of America's vote was 3 decades ago in 1988 when GHW Bush beat Michael Dukakis propelled  by the Reagan Revolution. The extreme right minority who have hijacked the GOP and capitalized on a flaw in the Electoral College system will lose power sooner rather than later. Ours is a fair and just system that always, eventually roots out apostates--yes, Trump is an apostate of democracy; he clearly has no use for it, has no idea how it works, and prefers ruling by fiat. 

Last week on February 22 the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals decided that assault rifles like the AR-15 aren't protected by the second amendment.  A 2013 law passed in Maryland in the wake of Sandy Hook bans weapons of war.  "Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protections to weapons of war," Judge Robert King wrote for the court, adding that the Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller explicitly excluded such coverage."

Elsewhere, Governors from several states pushed back on Trump's idea of arming teachers during  a White House meeting. “I disagree with him,” Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R), who plans to run for Senate, said on “Fox News Sunday.” “I want our teachers to teach, and I want our law enforcement to be able to protect the students. I want each group to focus on what they’re good at.”

"Americans will always do the right thing — after exhausting all the alternatives."