Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Deep State

Meet two card-carrying members of The Deep State.

Marie L. Yovanovitch.jpg
BA Princeton, MS National Defense Univ.
Speaks Russian
Career Foreign Service Officer
Ambassador to the Ukraine, May 2016-May 2019

Kurt Volker U.S. State Department.jpg

BA Temple, MS Georgetown
CIA Analyst
US Amb. to NATO
Career Foreign Service Officer

Yovanovitch was recalled as US Amb. to Ukraine in May 2019. Trump called her "bad news" in his 7/25/19 convo with Zelensky.  Spring 2019 was when Zelensky began getting pressured by Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate the Bidens.

Volker quit hours after Congress said he'd be called to testify on the Ukraine scandal for the impeachment inquiry.

Yovanovitch graduated Princeton the same year I entered Hamilton, 1980.  Volker graduated Temple the same year I graduated Hamilton. I took the 6 hour Foreign Service Exam. If you get a passing grade you're invited to a two-hour oral exam at State during which a panel of 3, if memory serves, FSO's grill you on anything they want.  Economics, energy, history, physics, geopolitics, art history.  If you survive that, you become a Foreign Service Officer.  One candidate from my class, Andrew Winner, became a FSO. He's now a professor at the Naval War College.

My point is this.  These members of the Deep State are among our most gifted minds and our most dedicated patriots.  Most of them, if not all of them, could've pursued private sector careers earning millions in law or finance or consulting.  But instead, for the most part, they serve our country.  Volker served from 1986-2009 before going into the private sector.  Yovanovitch has been serving since 1986.

Both of these Deep State operatives have been subpoenaed to testify before the House as part of its impeachment inquiry.  The trouble for Trump is that, by and large, people like Yovanovitch and Volker possess impeccable character. They won't protect Trump like his inner circle of Barr, Pompeo, and the rest of the Cabinet.  They'll do what they've done their entire careers: serve our national interest...not Trump's.

That's what the Deep State does.  And it's just fine with me.