Monday, March 23, 2020

The Most Dangerous Pathogen

Trump is an evil, vicious, heartless, husk. 

In the midst of a national crisis and a global pandemic that has already killed tens of thousands around the world and 458 Americans, Trump mocks Senator Mitt Romney's potential infection with coronavirus at 0:22 of this clip. Senator Romney...a Christian of deep faith, a family man, a former GOP Presidential candidate, a former Governor, a pillar of decency, and a SITTING US SENATOR!

Here is Trump laid bare. He discovers from a reporter's question that Senator Romney is in isolation. (Yes, he didn't know a senior Senator from his own party is in isolation for suspected COVID19, which reveals his profound ignorance.) His response to the news is a snarky, smarmy, wisecrack so unfit for the mouth of a US President that's it's hard for me to type it out....he said, "Gee, that's too bad!"

The dig goes nearly unnoticed. The supposed moral keel of this administration--VP Mike Pence--doesn't flinch. The reporter doesn't stop his line of inquiry to say, "I'm sorry sir, did you just mock Senator Romney's possible infection with COVID19?" 




Because this Frankenpresident bolted together by the GOP and electrified by FoxNews, The Daily Caller, Breitbart, the KKK, and 40 million vapid voters has hacked America's sense of decency down so far that these inhumane comments are now normal.

For the sake of the Republic and all that is sweet and holy, I pray deliverance from the pathogen that has infected our body politic since November 9, 2016 by any legal and ethical means possible as soon as possible.