Thursday, January 7, 2016

My Dad sent me this today.

It got me to thinking about who the Federal government helps most.  So I looked up the states who get the most help from the Federal government (ie, me).  An article from The Atlantic citing independent analysis is here. But to summarize, here are the top 10 States ranked as most dependent on Federal dollars as a ratio of Federal Income tax paid by each state.  These are ranked in order of "receive most/pay in least":

1. SC
2. NC
3. FL
4. LA
5. AL
6. HI
7. MS
8. NM
9. KY
10. WV

The colors show which states are solid redlight red, bluelight blueor purple based on how they've voted in the last 4 Presidential elections.  That data came from here.  But if you want the color key, here it is:

Summary of results of the 200020042008, and 2012 presidential elections:
  States carried by the Republican in all four elections
  States carried by the Republican in three of the four elections
  States carried by each party twice in the four elections
  States carried by the Democrat in three of the four elections
  States carried by the Democrat in all four elections

If this analysis is right, 7 of the top 10 States getting more help -- in terms of Federal aid -- from the government than they're contributing via Federal income tax, are voting for Republican Presidents most or all of the time over the last 4 races.  Three of these states are bluelight blueor purple,meaning they're voting for Democratic Presidents all, most, or half the time.

SO, I agree with the Gipper to a great extent.  But it seems his Republican disciples in SC, NC, LA, AL, MS, KY, and WV are all hat and no saddle.

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