Saturday, May 7, 2016

My Mom said...

My Mom said…
Date tall women if you’re a tall man.
Wash your hands before dinner.
Wash your hands after you use the bathroom.
Take a bath at night.
Don’t bite your nails.

My Mom said…
Enjoy eating.
Learn to cook.
Eat Swiss chard.
When picking a partner, find someone who makes you laugh.
Cook things you and your partner like to eat.
Never stop romancing her.
Never stop romancing him.
Stay on pitch.
Tell the truth, but if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all.

My Mom said…
Read books.
Practice every day for 20 minutes.  Preferably music.
Tend to your relationship with God.
Raise a pet; dogs, fish, snakes, cats, doesn’t matter.
Have children.
Love those children and your partner as if your life depends on it.
Make enough money by working hard to take care of yourself, your partner, and your children, and then a little bit more, just in case.

My Mom said…
Go camping.
Play a competitive team sport when you’re young.
Play sports when you’re older, even if you’re competing with yourself.
Take care of your joints.
Don’t drink too much.
Don’t smoke.
Stand up straight.
If something makes you angry, get mad; then move on.
Get your teeth, eyes, and body checked by a doctor once a year.
Know your body; listen to it, and like it.

My Mom said…
Sing in a choir.
Respect your parents.
Fear no one, not even your parents.
Put something in the basket at church, or into the donation bin
behind the library.
The teacher is right.  But if he’s not, work with him and the school directly to fix it.
Keep your eyes on the road when you’re driving.
Pack sandwiches.
Play games with your family.
Do jigsaw puzzles.

My Mom said…
Do manual labor, especially if you get paid to think.
Do yard work.
Plant a garden and eat from it.
Learn to play an instrument well enough that you’ll play for your own enjoyment as well as others’.
Go to college and live on campus.
Get a live Christmas tree.
Send birthday cards to the people in your family.
Don’t spend too much on a gift but don’t get something cheap.
Buy good quality clothes and take care of them.
Don’t lose your jacket.

My Mom said…
When disciplining children, speak quietly.  A look, a cluck, or a finger may do more than words.
Boys, treat girls and women as special.  They are.  They made you.
Go to live performances as often as you can afford to.
Don’t give a standing ovation for a mediocre performance, even if it’s your child’s.
Breastfeed.  But don’t overdo it.
Keep meeting new people.
Speak your mind.
Make the effort to visit friends or family when it’s important to you.

My Mom said…
Explore America.
Explore Europe.
Learn to vacation.
Take a nap.
Don’t waste time.
Be still.

My eulogy for my Mom, who died on August 6, 2014.

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