Monday, January 23, 2017


Since Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy he's been lying.  Some friends in the GOP have asked me to wait until he's President to pass judgment.  Watch his actions, they say, if he wins. OK.  He's POTUS.  Herewith, the lies that have started to flow from him and his administration.*

January 24, 2017: WashPo reports that #POTUSLIES when he says he'd have won the popular vote were it not for non-existent voter fraud.

January 23, 2017:  CBSNews reports that #POTUSLIES by packing CIA audience with friends and allies who cheered, thereby lying to the cameras about support for him from the assemblage and the agency in general.


I love this headline. It quotes Kelleyanne Conway in an interview on MEET THE PRESS saying that Sean Spicer wasn't lying when he said DJT's inauguration crowd was the biggest in history, he was merely referencing alternative facts.  That's a perfect insight into DJTWorld.  There are no truths.  There is not objective reality.  There are only a selection of "facts" from which we pick while drafting the narrative (today's word for fiction).

How #POTUSLIES in this story is simple:  all objective data prove that fewer people attended his inauguration than BO's first inauguration.  The WSJ story documents it nicely.  Sean Spicer on camera in front of the WH press corps lied that DJT's crowd was bigger than BOs because DC Metro ridership was higher.  That's not an alternative fact.  It's a lie the WSJ documents.

Here's the disturbing part.  We think reality TV is actually real.  We now have a POTUS who was born of reality TV.  Reality TV is not real.  It's fake.  It's fiction.  It's entertainment.

Next up:  Non-fiction and Fiction sections of libraries to merge.

* (I use the term POTUS here as shorthand for the entire Administration, because while the fish stinks from the head you will start smelling the lies further down the body.)

Second source for these lies is here:

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