Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ashamed of POTUS

I think my biggest problem with Trump is that he's a horrible person and I'm ashamed that our democracy picked him to be President. 

He's ignorant. He's arrogant. He's a p***y-grabbing, money-grubbing, paper-tiger-who-roars, demagogue who's malignant narcissism guides every thought. He just plain embarrasses me. 

In my work I deal with people in England, Poland, Germany, France, India, and China and this bad-comb-over, 70-year-old 1980's-steak-house cheeseball represents the worst of America. And I know all those American warts grow on the body politic. I just hate to see them on display every day in the citadel of democracy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

So, let's stop debating policies from the WH because they're not Trump's anyway. They're creatures of the GOP horse whisperers who happen to have his ear at the moment. And if those policies benefit the Trump brand, they have a better chance of succeeding.  In the meantime, I'm ashamed of POTUS for the first time in my life.

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