Monday, July 24, 2017

Tyranny's Foothold

This WSJ editorial came out last week. This concluding sentence nails it:

"Mr. Trump somehow seems to believe that his outsize personality and social-media following make him larger than the Presidency. He’s wrong."

My January 29 post made the case for invoking the 25th Amendment on the grounds that Trump's mental disorder -- malignant narcissism -- prevents him from discharging his duties as President.  The WSJ puts it another way here by pointing out that Trump thinks he's "larger than the Presidency."  He thinks he is above the Office, above the law.  Why else would he and his lead attorney Jay Sekulow be exploring the idea that he can pardon himself?  What is that if not the very definition of "above the law"?

Trump is EXACTLY who Adams, Madison, Jefferson, and the framers feared might one day ascend to the Office of the President.  It is time for the GOP to stop fiddling around the edges in order to squeak through ACA reform, tax reform, or their flavor-of-the-month legislation.  Whenever they (Ryan, McConnell, Graham, and other GOP leaders) are pressed on a daily/weekly Trump travesty they say things like, 'That doesn't help' or 'That doesn't reflect the principles of our party'....or some other mealy-mouthed talking point.

This man, his family and his henchmen are slowly, inexorably destroying our democracy.   

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
-Thomas Jefferson

When will the people of good conscience in Congress break their silence?

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