Monday, December 18, 2017

Dems Since Reagan Deliver Higher GDP Growth

Seems crazy, no?  I looked up the GDP Growth by year since 1980.

I looked up who was President.

I then averaged the GDP growth for each President.  I used the year AFTER the President assumed office until the year AFTER he left.  Ex: Reagan's average is from 1981-1989.  Reagan was elected in November 1980.  He left office in January 1989.  His economic policies wouldn't have any effect on 1980 and they would likely continue to impact 1989, right?

Here's what I found.

President/Avg. GDP Growth

GHW Bush/2.03%
GW Bush/-1.64%

I used estimated growth of 2.2% for 2017 based on a report from Kiplingers.  The WSJ put it at 2.5%.

Obama's GDP growth (after the worst economic collapse since the great depression) was better than GWH Bush or GW Bush.  Fun fact:  Clinton raised taxes, and yet grew the economy more than Reagan...who, come to think of it, also raised taxes some 11 times.


Data is here.

PS:  I dropped out of macro in college (the only course I ever dropped!) so I'm open to being corrected on any of the above.

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